STUFFBUF.OBJ is an assembler subroutine that is callable from QuickBASIC that will insert keystrokes into the type ahead keyboard buffer. The subroutine is called as follows: Text$="dir" + CHR$(13) CALL STUFFBUF(Text$) Where text$ is a DOS command and CHR$(13) is the enter key. If you omit the CHR$(13), the keystrokes will appear at the DOS prompt, waiting for the user to press enter. Typical use of this routine is to enter a dos command to be executed at the termination of a QB program. Note: If you use this routine in the QB environment, your program will terminate normally, but the DOS command will not execute. This is because QB is still in control os the machine and will reset the keyboard buffer before prompting you to press any key to continue. You will need to execute the program as an EXE for STUFFBUF to work properly. I have been told that the routine will not work AT ALL when running the QB environment in the OS/2 DOS compatability box and will require a hard boot to recover. I don't know if the same if true when running the EXE in the DOS box.